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This page supports the 2012 reassessment of African amphibians. Draft assessments and accompanying maps for each relevant species can be found below. To view the files click on the file name and follow the instructions.
West and Central Africa Amphibians
Draft assessments for experts - August 2013
Eastern Afromontane Threatened and Data Deficient Amphibians
EAM materials for experts July 2013.zip
EAM materials for expert revision June 2013.zip
Ethiopian Threatened and Data Deficient Amphibians
Ethiopian amphibian assessments.zip
Ethiopian amphibian maps.zip
Seychelles caecilians
Grandisonia alternans.pdf Grandisonia alternans - map.pdf
Grandisonia brevis.pdf Grandisonia brevis - map.pdf
Grandisonia larvata.pdf Grandisonia larvata - map.pdf
Grandisonia sechellensis.pdf Grandisonia sechellensis - map.pdf
Hypogeophis rostratus.pdf Hypogeophis rostratus - map.pdf
Praslinia cooperi.pdf Praslinia cooperi - map.pdf
Seychelles caecilians.docx
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African amphibian draft assessments
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