The IUCN Red List process is depicted in the following diagram:

Bear in mind, however, that there will be some variations in some of these steps (e.g. under the RLA process, have non-RLA members contribute to the assessment process).
The Red List Process in a nutshell
The Red List process can thus be summarized as follows:
- Pre-Assessment: This is the first step in the process, and involves the compilation of data for any one given assessment (i.e. the creation of draft assessments in IUCN's Species Information Service [SIS]). It can be carried out by RLAs, IUCN Species Programme staff, and other collaborators, such as interns or Specialist Group members. Typically this step also involves the development of a draft map and a compilation of relevant questions for experts involved in the assessment in question. In instances where a species is being reassessed (and this will likely be the case for most of the amphibians already on the Red List), reassessments would build on existing published assessments and maps, and would be modified according to new data.
- Assessment: This step involves sharing the draft assessment with experts and determining an appropriate threat category based on the criteria that are triggered in the course of the assessment. If it is a new species that is being assessed, then one of the authors of the species description (either the first author or an author that has first hand experience with the species) is contacted for help in the assessment. If it is a reassessment, then we typically work first with the author/person who has the most recent information, and then contact previous assessors once there is a new proposed assessment. Assessors are given a period of time to provide feedback, after which any new feedback is incorporated into the assessment or discussed (if there are differences of opinion), and the assessment is checked for consistency prior to being sent out for review.
- Review (currently called "evaluation" in the Red List and SIS, this is in fact a review process) : Two independent reviewers (either Amphibian RLAs or Species Programme staff) are contacted and asked if they may be willing to review the assessment. A determined period of time is agreed on for providing the review, and the two reviewers are encouraged to discuss the assessment. If there are any differences of opinion with the assessment, the reviewers then discuss these differences with the person who has been managing the assessment, and if needed, the assessment manager gets back to assessors with outstanding questions or issues, which can then be addressed by the assessors. Once any outstanding questions are addressed they are sent back to reviewers, and if they consider the issues to be resolved, the assessment is then passed and tagged as ready for publication.
- Submission and consistency check: All passed assessments are placed in a specific working set within SIS prior to pre-determined lockdown dates. The Amphibian RLA Focal Point then contacts the Red List Unit in Cambridge, UK, and provides the Unit with the name of the working set being submitted and a list of the species contained within. A staff member then goes over each assessment to determine that all relevant fields have been completed and that the assessment is consistent with the documentation provided. If there are any observations on any assessment(s), the staff member will get back to the RLA Focal Point and the Focal Point will in turn contact the assessment manager for any required follow-up. If there are no observations, then nothing more is required on the Amphibian RLA's part, and the assessment will be prepared for publication in the Red List.
- Publication: Passed assessments will go online on predetermined dates for specific Red List update releases. So, even if an assessment is completed and passed in, for example, January, it will not be go live until a pre-scheduled amphibian update is published, which may be several months later. Red List update release dates will be posted on this wiki under News.
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